Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What's coming up -- next few classes

THURSDAY FEB 5  MEET AT THE CAMPUS CENTER ROOM 162-75 at  4 pm to hear Antonia Calafat talk about chemical exposure and the effect on human health 
Take good notes, interview 2-3 people after the speech about what they found interesting, surprising, instructive etc.  

FOR NEXT CLASS: bring in hard copy of 650-750 word speech paper, with word count. Be sure to   include a strong lead and nutgraph, several quotes from the speaker and,  at the end of the paper, 2-3 direct quotes from audience members who you interview about the speech/event.

  • Read and complete Chapters 2 & 3 worksheets (on blog, under worksheets tab) 
  • Bring in a written PROFILE pitch (a few sentences on who your profile subject is going to be, why he or she would be a good subject and a potential lead.)

FEB 10 PROFILE PITCH, continue analyzing interview videos.  
FOR NEXT CLASS: 1) BRING IN HARD COPY of 500 word “pre-first draft” profile with lead, nutgraph and quote(s) and 2)  read and complete worksheet on Chap. 7 on the Writer's Art.

FEB 12   In-class, deadline writing assignment : In pairs, interview 4 people on campus on subject TBA; write by the end of class, one 500 word story on-deadline with quotes from each of your sources. (5 percent of total grade) NEXT: Read Chap. 8 on Features.

FEB 17- NO CLASS/Monday scheduled followed/ work on profile first drafts

FEB 19  FIRST DRAFT PROFILE DUE (1,000 words, INCLUDE WORD COUNT) PEER EDIT.  Discuss feature stories.

1) The lead should get to the heart of the event -- NOT just say it occurred.
2) Include in the first few sentences of the story A)what the occasion was, B)who sponsored it, C) where it was held and –D) how many attended. Include the title if there is one. It’s not necessarily to cram in every detail, such as what time it was held.
3) Nutgraph: This takes the reader beyond the lead and sums up in a few sentences the major points the speaker made or the basic gist of his/her argument/case/presentation. It’s a roadmap to the rest of the story. Can be combined with the paragraph that includes the title, name of occasion etc.
4) Body of story: Take the reader through the points that the speaker made in support of his or her case/main point/argument/presentation. Each paragraph should have a strong topic sentence. Provide specific examples and direct quotes.
5) Interview 3-4 people who attended for their reaction/thoughts. Don’t forget to include this at the end of your paper!

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