Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Spring 2010 schedule and syllabus

JOURN 300/CAREY/ SPRING 2010--M/W 3:35-5:30 p.m.-Dubois 720

This is a tentative schedule of topics subject to revision to accommodate the news, campus goings-on that we’ll attend and classroom visitors. Check the blog ( for updates and changes. Each day 3-4 people will bring in an article to discuss and post an "AP Style tip" to the blog.

JAN 20 Introduction, In-class writing assignment. Next: read Chap. 5; write 300-word summary for next class. Bring three or more ideas of speeches/events to attend at UMass or nearby in the coming days.

JAN 25 Discuss Chap. 5 and speech options, in-class exercise on leads. Next: Read Chap. 16 on speeches, write 200-word summary for next class.

JAN 27 Discuss chapter on speeches, how to write a speech story. In-class work on blog. Next: Read Read Chap 15 on Interviewing Principles to discuss. Write 6 "bullet points" based on information in chapter.


Monday, FEB. 1 --We attend the Robert McChesney-John Nichols speech, beginning at 5 p.m. after we talk about Chapter 15 and the profile pitch. Next: Write a brief profile pitch to present Wednesday.
Wednesday, FEB 3 -- Discuss McChesney-Nichols event. Present profile pitch. Next: Speech paper due Monday. Read Chaps. 2 and 3.

Monday, FEB 8 -- SPEECH paper DUE (750 words). Discuss Chaps. 2 and 3
Wednesday, FEB 10 -- In-class work on profiles. Read Chap. 7 on the Writer's Art. Write 100-200 words SHOWING something (vs TELLING)

Monday, FEB 15 NO CLASS
Wednesday, FEB 17 -- FIRST DRAFT PROFILE DUE Discuss feature stories. Discuss Chapter 7 and SHOW v. TELL examples. In-class work on profiles. Next: in-class feature pitch, read Chap. 8 on Features.


FEB 22 Have read Chapter 8 on features to discuss. Peer edit first draft profiles. (Final draft is now due Wed., Mar. 3) Next: Read Chapter 18 on Accidents and Disasters and Chapter 19 on Obituaries.

FEB 24 FEATURE PITCH. Discuss chapters on accidents and obituaries. Next: read Chapter 21 on Courts.

MAR 1 In-class work on feature and blog, discuss Chap. 21 on Courts

MAR 3 FINAL DRAFT PROFILE DUE (1,000 words, include word count) In-class work on feature drafts Discuss Issue paper requirements, including interviews with 2-3 "experts." Next: read Chaps. 11 on layered reporting. and 14 on sources.

MAR 8 MID-TERM QUIZ Discuss Chap. 11 and 14.

MAR 10 FIRST DRAFT FEATURE (1,000 words, include word count) DUE. Discuss issue paper ideas and strategy. Next: Issue pitch.


MAR 22 Discuss issue ideas, experts. In-class work on blog.

MAR 24 Issue pitch.

MAR 29 In-class work on Issue papers. Next: read Chap 20 on police.

MAR 31 FINAL FEATURE (1,000 words, include word count) DUE. Discuss Police chapter. In-class work on issue, blog. Next: read Chaps. 26 on Taste in Journalism and 27 on Morality.

APR 5 ISSUE DRAFT DUE DATE POSTPONED TILL APRIL 12 (with four voices, two of whom are "experts") due. Discuss chapters on Taste and Morality.

APR 7 INTERVIEWS WITH 2 EXPERTS DUE!!!In-class work on Issue paper, blog. Watch video "Independent Media in a Time of War" and discuss with reference to chapters on Morality and Taste. Next: Read Chaps. 24 and 25 on Government and Reporters and the Law.

APR 12 FIRST DRAFT ISSUE DUE!!!!!Discuss Open Meeting, definitions of slander etc.

APR 14 , discuss Chapters 24 and 25


APR 21 FINAL DRAFT ISSUE DUE!!!!!Discuss review writing, issue paper issues.

APR 26 Watch film and write REVIEW (10 percent of final grade) on deadline, due at end of class.

APR 28 Begin review of take-away points from the class



MARY CAREY, 413-549-4595, 413-219-7772 (cell),


Melvin Mencher, News Reporting and Writing (latest edition)


Daily newspapers and news magazines. Try to scan online or in print at least one of the local newspapers including the Collegian, Daily Hampshire Gazette or Springfield Republican every day. Also be aware of what’s on the front page of, for instance, the Boston Globe and New York Times. Each class, three or four people will bring in a newspaper article and comment on some aspect of the news, news coverage, style, choice of stories or contrast between coverage. Being conversant with what is in the news is essential to writing it.


Grades are based on timely and thoughtful completion of in-class and out-of-class writing assignments and quizzes, attendance and in-class participation. Writing criteria include news judgment, clarity of writing, grammar, accuracy, organization, spelling, conciseness, use of AP style, and meeting deadlines. Although the big picture things like news judgment and solid reporting are important, misspelling names and other seemingly minor shortcomings can ruin a story and your reputation, so they will count. Numerical equivalent of grades: A=95, A-=92, A-/B+ =90, B+88 etc.


Not making appointments or missing the action will also undermine your career and the class. You MUST tell me BEFORE class if you are going to be absent and it has to be a legitimate excuse. (I read my e-mail regularly and have a phone message machine at home.) Otherwise you will receive zeroes for the day’s assignments. Please do not be late or leave early. More than three absences and/or repeatedly being late or leaving early will result in a significantly lowered final grade. We'll follow university guidelines regarding swine flu.


In-class writing assignments usually won’t be longer than 2-3 typewritten pages. Most major assignments are 1,000 words or 4 pages. Among your assignments are a profile (counts for 15 percent of final grade), feature (15 percent), coverage of a speech (15 percent), issue piece (25 percent) and review (10 percent), minor papers, including first drafts (10 percent), participation/homework, worksheets and quizzes etc (10 percent).


There’s no excuse for any dishonest use of material. Any instance of plagiarism or any other form of cheating is ground for course failure.

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